In 1799,the 33th regiment went back to India to stop Tippoo of Mysore and drive the French out of India. Sharpe was flogged for hitting Sergeant Hakeswell. He was sentenced for 2,000 lases. But he only got 200, because Colonel Arthur Wellesley stoped it. He was agreed to go in Seringapatam and make contact with a Scottish spy. He would go with Lieutenant William Lawford. If Sharpe made it back he would become a Sergeant. He did come back with the spy and he also killed
Tippoo of Mysore.In 1803 at the battle of assay he save Wellesley live. He was made into a ensign. Then promoted to Lieutenant and went to a new regiment, the 95th rifles. He became a Quartermaster. 1809 the army of ------ was retreating from the French. One day a French calvary regiment fround the a decemit of Rifles. The calvary attack. Out of 300 men only 50 came alive and not wounded. All the fs
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